Unity: Memorandum of Understanding of Love
Dear: Faith-Based Organization in Bartholomew County, IN
RE: “MOU of Love” Invitation
What the world needs now is love, sweet love. The Umoja community would like to invite you to join with other faith-based organizations in Bartholomew County to discuss how we can better express love, respect, and appreciation for our fellow community members.
This is a unique chance to participate in a conversation about cultivating unity across the community. The objective is to improve race relations in Bartholomew County. The goal is to commit to changing
our behavior by better understanding the race-related challenges our youth experience. In order to ensure that all of our children and youth feel supported and loved, we will identify ways that we can show compassion to one another for the good of all.
During this meeting, we will collaboratively explore new ways that we can affirm dignity and exemplify empathy, focusing on our shared commitment to the golden rule, a compassionate premise at the heart of every faith practice. We need one another to thrive. No person is an island. So, come let us reason together about how to spread more love in Bartholomew County.
Due to the large number of faith-based organizations in Bartholomew County, please plan to bring only three representatives to participate (the leader of the body, youth director plus another member of your choice) on Thursday, February 13, 2025, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at the Columbus Learning Center, located at 4555 Central Avenue, Columbus, IN 47203. Registration is required. Please register no later than January 30, 2025, using this registration link https://forms.gle/Y6T9cwriYDbxcvkF6 or the QR code on the flyer. Registration does not guarantee admission due to limited seating.
This gathering is hosted by the Community Education Coalition, Black History Columbus Committee, Bartholomew County African American Pastors’ Alliance, Bartholomew County NAACP and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Felicia Garr at fgarr@educationcoaliton.com or 812-371-5255.
We look forward to you joining this collaboration of good faith.